
Tithes and offerings are acts of worship and obedience, and a way to acknowledge that everything comes from God.

Ways to Give

Capital Campaign Giving

Forward in Faith

God is always inviting us to move forward in faith for those who come after us more than for ourselves. Many believers expend time, energy, and money investing in building ministries that we don’t get to personally experience. But the reality is that God calls us to build something for His glory and not our own.  God has provided us an additional 10.4 acres contiguous to Sun City. Whether we build on it within two years or ten, it facilitates fulfilling our vision of making 3,000 disciples to serve every neighborhood in this community.

Make a Pledge

MAKE A ONE-TIME or recurring GIFT

Giving FAQs

Contribution Statements

Contributions Statements are issued in January of each year reflecting a record of your tithes and offerings made to The Worship Place in the prior calendar year. IRA Contributions will not appear on your end-of-year Contributions Statement. 

Qualified Charitable IRA Distributions

If you are age 70 ½ or older, you may have a tax-advantaged opportunity to contribute funds directly from your traditional IRA to The Worship Place.  This giving method allows you to distribute funds from your IRA directly to The Worship Place without being taxed on the distribution.  You will be issued a letter of acknowledgement from The Worship Place once your donation is received.  IRA Contributions will not appear on your end-of-year Contributions Statement.  Contact Janie in the Finance Office for more information. 

EFCA Accreditation

The Worship Place is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability which provides accreditation to leading Christian non-profit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising, and board governance.

Is The Worship Place a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization?

The Worship Place is a U.S. not-for-profit organization and meets the tax-exempt requirements of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.