Music & Worship

Genuine worship that proclaims the glory of the triune God;
celebrating His holy name, great power, and sovereign will

Our music ministry exists to help our church family enter into the presence of God through music.
Music is a powerful vehicle to help people to worship the Lord in spirit and truth.
Our music represents the diversity of our church family.

Sun City Campus - Traditional Blend

You will experience stately anthems, modern choral arrangements and great hymns of our faith.  Our choir is made up of people with varied backgrounds, but all with hearts full of praise. We rehearse on Wednesdays and sing in both traditional morning services.  We also present musical celebrations at Christmas, Easter, and other special occasions.  Our Handbell Choir rehearses each Monday.  If you're interested in singing with the choir or participating in the Handbell Choir, use the button below.

contact minister of music

Rocky Hollow Campus - Praise & Worship

You will experience a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs led by our Praise Team.  Our Praise & Worship Service takes place at 10:00 am on Sundays.

Special Evening Presentations

Special musical performances are presented periodically throughout the year.